Bruce Bennett in his studio


My work with stone and creating objects in marble and granite has been self-taught. As I learned the history of marble in East Tennessee and its use throughout the United States, I also learned a few skills necessary to cut, shape, and polish it. I incorporated it into my woodworking and used only marble for furniture and sculpture. Eventually, I used it with other materials, such as glass, metal, and neon. 

Tennessee marble is one of the best materials in the world for displaying outside, and it is ideal for gardens and parks and for creating outdoor environments. My work is primarily outdoor pieces to show the value of nature and enhance the enjoyment Tennessee Marble brings.

I am, in my modest way, learning from the stone working tradition, the uses of Tennessee marble past and present, and practices I can personally employ to enhance the beauty of the natural landscape with this native stone. The tangible results of my efforts are furniture and sculpture from East Tennessee marble, engraining the history of the people who worked this marble and used it in art and architecture. As my art grew, I desired other stones and colors and learned to work with marbles and granites from around the world. I love working with stone because it has character and invokes a peaceful, warm, sensual feeling.
